
Script for Theater Class

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Literature Text

Narrator: The Kingdom of Arcus thrives, as King Arcus invites senate members, and other members of his royal court to attend his hall.

King Arcus: Welcome all, my banquet of kings! Myself, King Arcus the Great, shall be conducting this ceremony today, and I hope we shall all relinquish in my glorious reign.

The King seems excited, yet shows complete lack of interest in anything other than getting the ceremony over with.

Squire: Let the feasting begin!

Everyone begins celebrating a talking, but not so loud that their voices can be distinguished over one another.

Arneus (Speaking to Bartolomeu): What an extraordinary celebration, don’t you think, Beridan?

Bartolomeu (Speaking to Arneus): Definitely Arneus, the King has surely outdone himself this time.

Spoken in a slightly sarcastic tone, with mild exasperation.

Cornelius: You mean the surly the Kings servants have outdone themselves. Thirty times over, until they die of exhaustion.

Arneus: Shush Cornelius! Someone might hear you!

Cornelius: What does it matter anyway? The King already has his suspicions about me,

Bartolomeu: Quiet, here comes the King’s Squire!

Squire comes over to Arneus, Bartolomeu, and Cornelius  while the King Talks to Donovic, and Ferdinand talks with Erebus.

Squire: Are you enjoying your evening gentlemen?

Arneus: Oh yes! Definitely, it’s such a splendid ceremony,

Squire: That’s great, the King will surely be pleased.

Cornelius: Please excuse me,

Cornelius walks off towards Terrian and Erebus.

Cornelius: Good evening gentleman,

Erebus: How do you do?

Ferdinand: Yes, quite. How are you Cornelius?

Cornelius: I - I’m fine.. It’s just, I cannot bear to be in a room with this putrid, corrupt, pretender.

Erebus: such strong words from a lowly senator like yourself.

Cornelius: And what makes me any different from you Erebus?

Erebus: Well, I have a the loyalty and respect of at least a fifth of the population, while your on the other hand.. Well I don’t really know the extend of the Radical movement parties in Arcus these days…

Puts a snarky tone on the first sentence while ending the second sentence with a patronizing whine

Cornelius: Well if you have so much support, will you help me with my cause?

Erebus: Of course not, I see no economic gain in your little...Ideological schemes,

Ferdinand: Typical Erebus, always looking for money, aren’t you?

Ferdinand rolls his eyes, crosses his arms, and shakes his head.

Erebus: Of course I am! And why shouldn’t I? It’s hard enough making money in this Kingdom with the tithes and war taxes going on.

Even though serious, Erebus exclaims the proclamation vocally, but also with rather loose body language.

Cornelius: Well If you don’t support the war maybe you speak out against it.

Ferdinand: Cornelius, with all do respect, you haven’t done much ‘speaking out’ yourself.

Cornelius points at Ferdinand, and with the same hand in place, uses his thumb to gesture to his head.

Cornelius: And that my friend, is why my head is still on my body.

Squires goes back to King Arcus and Donovic while conversation switches to Arneus and Bartolomeu.

Arneus: Anyway, how have the shipments been doing?

Bartolomeu: Not very good I’m afraid..

Arneus: Why? What’s happening?

Bartolomeu: Well, most of the time, the caravans either get destroyed or lost. Since the war blocked the south passage, we have to take the north passage, which borders the mountain.

Arneus: What’s wrong with that?

Bartolomeu: Well, they get attacked by bandits if they follow the forest path, and they get lost through the mountain path and have to turn back.

Arneus: I suggest hiring mercenaries to take care of those bandits.

Bartolomeu: I would, but funds are low because of all the war taxes.

Arneus: Damned Elves, the world would be off without them. All they’ve caused us nothing but trouble.

Bartolomeu: And to think that’s all over a bunch of trees.

Arneus: I know, right?! Absurd.

The King steps out onto the middle of the stage, but with not much effort

King Arcus: Everyone! The time has come raise our cups to the gods with rejoice in a toast!

Everyone gathers around the King

Donovic steps forward and raises his glass.

Donovic: As the captain of the King’s Guard, and the General of the Royal army, I would like to dedicate this toast to the brave soldiers of the Kingdom of Arcus.

Everyone claps, but in their own flavour. ei - The King does a steady, exasperated clap, The Squires clap is more fast paced, as if he doesn’t know why he’s clapping, and Cornelius does a slow, sarcastic clap.

Donovic: Anyone else?

Arneus steps forwards

Arneus: Yes, to the soldiers, and to the end of the war!

More clapping, and people verbally agreeing as well, by repeating the phrase.

Clapping stops as Cornelius steps forward.

Cornelius: Yes, to end of the war, and to the end of all suffering. To the end of crippling poverty amongst all citizens of Arcus, to the end of the endless struggle fueled by the ever-growing greed of the rich!

Faces turn confused, surprised or baffled.

Cornelius: To the end of the corrupted cycle of which separates siblings, and misplaces children, and tears families; To the end, of the darkest age in history since the great wars. But I shall not only dedicate this toast to destruction only. No, no. I dedicate this toast the creation of a new age. To the turning of a new page in the story book of life; One where this pretender doesn’t corrupt the throne with his malice!

Cornelius points at the King and Shouting erupts. Amidst the shouting:

Donovic: Treason! Heinous lies!

Arneus: Cornelius, do not disgrace yourself in the presence of the King!

Ferdinand: You fool! Now is not the time for this.

Over the shouting, Cornelius continues his speech while continuing to point at the King, who is staring at him with a shocked face.

Cornelius: You are the reason our Kingdom has suffered! People die day by day, and you do thing about it! All you do is cut down a few of the Elves oldest trees, so they can declare war, and for what?! So you have an excuse for why the people of this land rot in poverty? I will not stand for it! We will not stand for it! Arcus demands war.

The King lifts his finger, and makes a grunting noise as if he about to speak.

Everyone stops shouting and turns towards the King, waiting with suspense.

After about 3 seconds, the King leans back and begins to choke, and then falls on the floor and dies.

The Squire and Donovic rush to the King’s side, while everyone else stands wide-eyed with disbelief

Squire: Your grace? Your grace? Are you alright?

Donovic: Your Majesty, please speak! . . . . . . He’s been poisoned.

Donovic lifts his head up to meet Cornelius’ eyes.

Donovic: You did this! You killed him! You traitor!

Donovic tires to rush at Cornelius, but Ferdinand and Erebus block him

Donovic: I’ll kill you, you traitor! How could you betray your Kingdom!

Ferdinand and Erebus are shouting, while Arneus looks between the King’s body and Cornelius, and Cornelius stands there, looking horrified.

Ferdinand: Donovic, calm down! He didn’t kill him!

Erebus: Donovic, it’s not worth it!

A few more seconds pass of shouting and arguing

Arneus: Everyone stop!

Everyone stops shouting and looks at Arneus

Arneus: Cornelius, did you kill King Arcus?

Cornelius: No…

Arneus: Good-

Cornelius: But I wish I had; He deserved an even worse death for the crimes he committed.

Donovic starts shouting again, and trying to attack Cornelius while he held back.

Arneus steps forward, while looking at the ground and lifting his head up slowly.

Arneus: I’m sorry Cornelius, but you might as well have killed him. Your crimes must not go unpunished.

Bartolomeu steps forward

Bartolomeu: Oh come on Arneus, are still going to support the false king even when he’s dead? Even if Cornelius did kill him, he should not be punished. It’s obvious Arcus was no saint.

Donovic: How could you fall into this traitor’s lies Bartolomeu, I thought you were smarter than this?

Donovic points at Cornelius

Bartolomeu: I’m smart enough to notice by business being intentionally ruined by the King himself! Open your eyes Donovic! This is not glory, this is oppression!

Donovic: No! I will not accept it! I will not!

Donovic successfully pushes past Erebus and Ferdinand and rushes at Bartolomeu, stabbing him the stomach.

Shouting and screaming erupts as Bartolomeu falls to the floor.

Erebus stands clear, unsure of what to do, while the squire cowers by the Kings body

Ferdinand comes up to Donovic from behind and knocks him to the ground, while proceeding to block off Arneus.

Ferdinand: Run Cornelius! Save yourself! Whatever happens, we must not allow Arcus to again fall into the hands of tyranny. GO!

Cornelius runs offstage, and everyone else stays in position, with Ferdinand and Arneus struggling, and Donovic kneeling on the ground.

Everyone freezes in place, while the narrator walks calmly onto the middle of the stage.

Narrator: Cornelius escapes the capitol, eventually successfully carrying out a revolution against the remaining supporters of Arcus’ rule. The war against the Elves ends peacefully, and harmony is somewhat restored. However, Bartolomeu did not survive his wounds and before passing he said this:

“We must remember to support the ones courageous enough to take a stand. For without us, how will history remember them. As lunatics? or Revolutionaries?”


I litterally had to write a random script about anything so yeah. I decided, since I'm loosely basing this off of the world I created, might as upload ! :3

p.s. Orignially, the characters were: A,B,C,D,E, and F. Can you guess who they were? :3
© 2015 - 2024 DovahkiinTrollmaster
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minemech20000's avatar
Wow, that's pretty cool! The ending bit was a really great addition, and wrapped up a bit of confusion that it started with, giving it a cool sort of moral. a few of the gestures were a bit confusing, but I think that's probably because of how it's writing and not visual. Great job :D!